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Friday, August 27, 2010

Whats with denial?

I went on the NORML site and what I was reading was like reading a fantasy,to me.First a simple fact.If a person was born to grow up breathing car(or enclosed woodburning smoke,transparent air without any O2 in it)fumes,then it would be normal to smoke.It ain,t natural(Normal and natural in this example being the same thing,due of it being not of our evolved(Ex.natural average birth ability)average ability(normal is arrived at by est. a standard with pluses and minuses on both sides and then determining the middle ground)for a 'regular' person to stay alive having lungs filled withsmoke.

Now to some app.'s of logic.
   If it is due of the fact we are not doing human population growth control and we are going to have more people than we can feed(estimated in about twenty years(in which case,if we are sane enough,it will become mandatory) and we allow for all drugs to be legal(no matter what we invent,which logically we should do,due of the fact that the majority of kids do not get adequate authority figure guidance and end up doing it anyway.(Being that peer pressure is not often overcome,no matter what the average person hopes)especially when there are guns in your face(which many a dope head has or will readily claim to produce.)and let the chips fall where they will or have so many people crying for helpm that it becomes obvious we need to change.We will be doing ourselves a favor in the long run(proving to future generations that we have compassion for the future even tho the present is so uncertain;and that the realization is it needs to be that extreme for people to 'get-it'.)Or we go to a martial gov't(as long as it app.'s to children,anyway),and criminalize all not tested 'drugs'..Or we go with,'Lets go with love even tho look what love gave us...a world full of killing and blood spilling,the 'world of love' never came,admitting a planet of allowing uncontrolled growth of its most capable living things go unchecked,even tho they are so abled to correct their(our) problems,at least supposedly in times of peace)so tangentially bringing back the draft( but not only form the US,but for all nations)Globally teaching that war is necessary to maintain population numbers and that every one should and is understanding of it,and allowing it gives us (the Earth) the time to work out our ignorance(which we are globally denying(all the tech. and lack of supervision is creating little Hitlers all over the place) and finally(tho there will always be other issues)get this justifying of staying doped-up ended.
   Because to me,that's what the thing is with all this walking around this bush is doing.Altho,a plus is it could be creating jobs(its only in the immediate it seems (but not stuff that is likely to give the actual stabile world we actually( and this ain't utopia)want to give our kids.There ain't nothing more than a tyrant wants(and its shown thru history)than to have a bunch of toke heads running around as terrorists for them.
   All the justifying of being a druggie just doen't change that its a wrong choice.And,here you might be saying,'Well,thats what its all about...choice..!'Well thats true.But the choice a person makes ain't s'pose to make it so 2010 Al Capone is the actual power of the countr(its the President)y,making me loose sight of the fact that ,'we the people ',is for each and every philosophy to coexist(the Equalitarian right beside the thug,the minimalist beside the horderist,the capitalist beside the utopian communist without one not allowing the other and all of us to choose our choices esp. at voting time(Thats suppose to be what the opening words are about.)Not,we the gang leaders(thugism),or we the dope heads(illusionists),or we the elitest(dog-worlderism).Its (and its for adults,not kids that are suppose to be getting guidance)We,the People...'      Thanks
(brought to you by a guy living in a vehicle,sick of the same experience of privacy violation one gets in an apartment building,in that car...so why not live in an RV anyway,and remembering being surrounded by dope and occaisionally doing it as a kid myself,guy...and Timmy can get across the street,Lassie really is a girl (bitch) and I don't care what you say,'I like Tollhouse cookies...now back to you Jork..)